When the Harm Outweighs the Benefits

Adverse Effects of Long Term Psychiatric Drug Use

Taking psychiatric medications long-term is like playing Russian roulette. It’s a harsh reality, but one that most patients are never informed about. The truth is, these medications can substantially worsen your life over time.~ Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring, Psychiatrist ~

Dear friend,

It’s hard to imagine mental health treatments can cause far worse trauma, pain, and suffering than the original concerns that bring an individuals and families to seek help in the first place.

Is it possible the drugs themselves can be a huge part of the problem?

I’m speaking specifically about psychiatric drug treatment, which is the end-all-be-all solution in modern psychiatry, despite many people are unable to tolerate psychiatric drugs at all.

This often leads to the issue of non-compliance.

Essentially people stop taking their psychiatric drugs due to what they consider intolerable adverse effects. Some of these adverse effects can be mild such as gastrointestinal symptoms, but others can be serious and severe such as massive weight gain and metabolic syndrome as well as permanent and irreversible conditions such as movement disorders and sexual dysfunction.

In the beginning, it’s often difficult to tease apart the adverse effects of drug harm and underlying condition being treated. However overtime the adverse effects of psychiatric drugs tend to become more pronounced as well as distressing.

Many people report being dismissed by mental health professionals when they report adverse effect of drugs. In psychiatry, “side effects” of psychiatric drugs are often seen as part and parcel of the price you pay to maintain your mental health.

Harm is rarely acknowledged, recognized, or treated.

Majority of people’s “mental health issues” can be resolved with alternative/complementary + holistic approaches.

Psych drugs are drastic measures and should not be first line of defense, especially for youth.

Psych drugs can be helpful in acute crisis or short term stabilization.

Many people cannot tolerate psych drugs for any length of time but especially long term.

Signs of adverse effects and toxicity.

Non compliance is a huge issue in psychiatry because people don’t get any benefit but also experience horrific adverse effects.

Withdrawal injuries can cause brain damage.

Ultimate evidence of effectiveness of treatment is quality of life and level of functioning - your body’s feedback!

Please forward this information with anyone who you believe would benefit.

Feel free to leave me your questions, comments, and feedback below. Thank you for taking the time to visit here.

Until next time, we continue in solidarity. 

Neseret Bemient, BScN
Holistic Mental Health Coach 
Website: Return to Wholeness Healing Services
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@NeseretBemient
Twitter(X)Neseret Bemient (@JourneyofHope4U)


...start inside
...take courage
...involve effort
...include mistakes
...build character
...are achievable

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


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