Neseret Bemient, BScN, Holistic Mental Health Coach

I help individuals diagnosed with mental disorders to implement metabolic therapies including the ketogenic diet to gain energy, mental clarity, and mood stability.

I also provide support as they safely taper off of psychiatric medications with medical supervision. I use my 17-year experience as a Psych RN and Bachelor of Science degree in nursing as well as my own personal experience of putting antidepressant-induced bipolar disorder into remission to serve my clients.

In my work as a mental health coach, I use comprehensive, holistic approaches to provide support to clients struggling with mental health and addiction concerns. I work both with individuals and at-risk youth and their families to go from struggling with:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Schizophrenia

  • Food addiction

  • Weight gain

  • Lack of energy/motivation

  • Brain fog

  • Feeling numb and suicidal…

…To feeling better, experiencing mental clarity, mood stability, healthy weight loss, abundant energy, a sense of control, and gaining back their self confidence, self respect, dignity, and humanity, hope, and joy.

Personally, I went from being diagnosed with “antidepressant induced bipolar disorder” and prescribed multiple psychiatric medications, and suffering deeply for 13 years, to reversing that condition.

I also gained back my own mental clarity, creativity, vitality, improved mood/energy, hormonal balance, and an inner sense of aliveness (you can read my full story below).

Want more help?

Struggling with your mental health?

Want some one-on-one coaching and support?

I offer a free 30 minute call to help you navigate your mental health journey.

How I Overcame Antidepressant-Induced Bipolar Disorder & Tapered Off a Cocktail of Psychiatric Medications

It was a 7-year journey.

I don’t know how long it will be for you.

What I know for sure, is that life can change in a heartbeat, and everything you considered near and dear, can be completely stripped away from you.

2010 was not my year.

On that fateful day mid-April, a 13-year long absolute nightmare began.

I was diagnosed with “hypothyroidism and depression” and initiated on two different medications on the same day, including an antidepressant.

But “the doctor” said, “It’s fine to start on both medications.”

Well, that turned up to be a major disaster!

But, why was I diagnosed with hypothyroidism and depression to begin with?

It All Began After the Birth of my Daughter

Shortly after I gave birth to my daughter (a few years earlier)…

I began experiencing terrible menstrual cycles.

So, my doctor trialed me on several birth control pills, which I had adverse reactions to, and eventually, referred me to a gynecologist who prescribed me continuous birth control.

Looking back, I believe this was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life.

I’m convinced, it is possible that “the pill” is one of the reasons autoimmune conditions (such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other thyroid and adrenal issues) are far more common in women than men.

Right after starting on birth control, severe anxiety and mood swings ensued.

I also developed a skin-picking disorder. I would pick my nail beds and lips until I bleed.

Fast-forward back to 2010, and I had been taking continuous birth control pills for a few years, which led to a variety of physical and mental health issues.

But, now, with the hypothyroidism and antidepressant medications added in, I was overloaded with a "pharmaceutical cocktail."

Here I was at the prime age of 30…

As an established psychiatric nurse…

With no prior formal medical or psychiatric history…

And, in a moment, my whole world flipped upside down.

Overcoming a War-Torn Childhood in Ethiopia

In my life, I have overcome many things, terrible things, that most people should never have to experience.

But, despite the trauma I had lived through early on…

I lived a relatively normal life up until 2010.

You see, as a child, I grew up in Ethiopia, where I witnessed horrific things while leaving a war-torn country and living in a refugee camp for two years with little provisions.

I was also severely physically and verbally abused from the time I was 4 years old until I ran away from home at the tender age of 16. I was a victim of intergenerational trauma and dysfunction, as you may be able to relate. Most of us don't leave our childhood unscathed.

Despite the horrors I lived through, I still remained quite resilient through all that…

  • Came to Canada as an 13-year-old

  • Learned a completely new language

  • Graduated high school with honors and full scholarship

  • Graduated university with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

  • Became a Registered Nurse

  • Found the love of my life

  • Raised my beautiful baby girl

  • Served in an honorable profession

Life certainly wasn't perfect, but my grandma would be proud…

I felt I was happy and thriving too, until…

Drug Cocktail From Hell, Hypomania, & A Trip to the ER

Within a few weeks of starting Synthroid and the antidepressant medications in 2010, I became fully hypomanic.

It was my first episode, but it wouldn’t be the last.

Up until that moment, I didn’t know it was possible to feel “that good”. Hypomania can be so incredibly seductive.

What’s not to like?

  • Confidence

  • Good appetite

  • Infinite energy

  • Hypersexuality

  • Feeling fearless

  • Less need for sleep

  • Elation and euphoria

  • A sense of well-being

  • In touch with my emotions

  • Endless creative juices flowing

  • And just feeling like I’m on cloud nine

A sort of “anything is possible” attitude.

I felt so good…

At least, for a while…

I woke up one morning, and thought it was a great idea to quit my employment of 4+ years in an acute care psychiatric unit as a psych RN, and move across the country to become a writer, and take trips to New York and Las Vegas.

Yet, I had no contingency plans.

At this point, my partner was concerned at the sudden change of behavior, and suggested I stop the antidepressant.

I figured I had only been on these medications for less than a month, on the lowest dose, so I could just stop.

But, I was dead wrong.

Within a couple of days, I went into antidepressant withdrawal.

  • Severe migraine

  • Sensitivity to light and sound

  • Insomnia

  • Panic attacks

  • And more

So, what happened?

I ended up in the ER.

I was told to get back on the antidepressant and see my prescriber to discuss proper taper where he recommended I continue taking the hypothyroid medication but taper off the antidepressant slowly in the following weeks.

I was told the hypothyroid medication was working because of a blood test, only to find out years later…

I had serious toxicity to Synthroid.

And it was Synthroid (in combination with antidepressant medications) caused my 1st and subsequent hypomanic episodes.

The combination made things worse over time, and spun out of control into a new set of psychiatric symptoms.

I completely tapered off of the antidepressant.

But remained on Synthroid .50mcg.

Suicidal Thoughts & Antidepressant-Induced Bipolar Disorder

At the beginning of the fall, about six months after the initiation of Synthroid, and after the antidepressant taper…

I experienced my first suicidal depression.

Prior to this I had never experienced thoughts of suicide.

It just was never a part of my thinking.

What was most disturbing to me was the fact those thoughts of suicide intensified over time, as I swung between depression and hypomania for over a decade.

I was further diagnosed with “an antidepressant induced bipolar disorder” and added a 4th medication (Lithium).

My life was spinning out of control, and I felt utterly hopeless.

I could barely keep my head above water.

The scary, yet ironic part?

On paper, I was considered “psychiatrically stabilized” by all medical and psychiatry standards.

But, I felt chemically lobotomized for many years:

  • Gained weight

  • Had terrible anxiety

  • My cycle was painful

  • Experienced hair loss

  • I had constant brain fog

  • Slept 10-13 hours per day

  • Severe depression in fall/winter

  • And, hypomania in spring/summer

  • Psychotic break requiring a brief involuntary hospitalization

…And so much more

Not to mention I felt a constant overarching weight of guilt and shame the entire time, especially when it came to my patients, my partner, and most of all, my daughter.

From the time I was 23, shortly after I had my daughter, until recently, I suffered deeply.

In a span of 13 years, all those mistakes culminated in financial loss, the demise of several abandoned relationships, missing 2/3rd of my daughter’s childhood (the aftermath of which I can’t get into here), and feeling like I miserably failed as a mother, partner, Nurse, and as a human being.

I felt like I had made every single mistake I could have possibly made with my health. I let my family down, and was stripped of my self-respect, dignity, and humanity.

I became a shell of the person I was meant to be. I also isolated myself from friends and family and felt incredibly alone.

I came close to giving up a few times…

If you’re there now, I want to let you know, there is hope.

How do I know?

Because after years of suffering, I finally experienced my breakthrough.

Ready to take charge of your mental health?

Struggling with your mental health?

Want some one-on-one coaching and support?

I offer a free 30 minute call to help you navigate your mental health journey.

My Breakthrough & Health Transformation

For years, I had little energy for anything.

It took everything out of me to function in the most basic aspects of my life.

I was barely hanging on.

But, one day, I realized I had a responsibility.

Not just to myself and to my family. But, I also wanted to provide lasting solutions for my clients.

So I began searching for answers — Answers the modern medical system failed to provide.

You see…

I was part of a conventional system that relied heavily upon one direction – medication. Medication is the end-all be-all solution to any and all psychiatric conditions in the conventional system.

I believe this is an incredibly narrow-minded approach.

What helped turn my life around was something far more powerful — a holistic approach to healing.

Through hundreds of hours of research (over the course of several years), I eventually stumbled upon life-changing information that allowed me to start feeling better.

I realized that by strengthening and nurturing the brain and body holistically, it would be easier to remove the root causes of mental illness — and a person would feel better faster.

Rather than trying to put a Band-Aid on a deep wound, as the conventional system does with psychiatric medications (that inadvertently can cause a myriad of life-threatening side effects)...

I discovered that the true path to healing goes much deeper…

And that there are several crucial steps you can take to overcome your illness, revitalize your mental health, and take back control of your life.

My healing came by following a combination of steps that included:

  • Reducing stress

  • Optimizing my diet

  • Upgrading my sleep

  • Focusing on my physical

  • Building healthy connections

  • Safely tapering off medications*

As well as a variety of other tactics (that I’ll share with you in my free newsletter).

Most of all, I leaned on a support system to help me overcome my battle. Because the reality is that it’s almost impossible to overcome this battle on your own.

You need the right support network with professionals, peers, and loved ones who will help you along your transformation journey.

Sometimes this can happen within weeks and months.

In my case, it was a 7-year journey…

And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

In those years, my mental health progressively improved:

  • I started sleeping again

  • I reached my ideal weight

  • My mental energy returned

  • My physical energy returned

  • I felt grateful, happy, calm, and peaceful

  • I was able to be more present in my relationships

I’m so overjoyed to share that, just over a year ago…

I successfully put my conditions into remission and COMPLETELY tapered off all psychiatric medications.

And, this is the best I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

Not only do I have the energy to be present in my life, but I'm passionate about my work — especially now that I have something valuable to offer to my clients.

I realize as a mental health coach, the first patient on the operating table is always myself.

And, after years of hopelessness and suffering, wondering if I’d ever find my freedom, I’m proud to say that I’ve overcome my battle…

And so can you.

Now, It’s Time For Your Transformation Story to Begin

You may be thinking…

That sounds great, Neseret…


What about me?

What about my trauma?

What about my challenges?

What about my mental health?

What about my unique situation?

What about my psychiatric medications?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

I know how you feel.

There is a way out from this type of a nightmarish-hum-drum-groundhog-day existence.

I know intimately the pain and fear of stigma, guilt, shame, loneliness, and despair.

I know what it’s like to wake up with nothing to give anyone or anything, including myself.

I know what it’s like to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, while feeling like you have no hope, no strength, and no way out.

I know what it’s like to have medication after medication added onto your plate, without a clue of how to escape it.

But, I also know that there’s a way out, no matter what you’ve gone through, and what you’ve been told.

But, you aren’t going to hear it from 99% of medical professionals in “the system.”

No matter what you’ve gone through, you don’t have to stay trapped in your current situation.

You can break free, just as I did.

Maybe you:

  • Have a mental health diagnosis and are on medication

  • Are dealing with unwanted, adverse, or toxic effects from medications

  • Want to explore alternative approaches to the conventional system

Whether you’re at the very beginning of your journey or you have been dealing with your condition(s) for a long time, my goal is to empower you to take charge of your mental health.

The journey to healing and returning to our wholeness is often a slow and arduous process, but it is well worth it in the end.

When I initially started working on recovering my own mental health and working with clients, I was frustrated — I wanted to feel better immediately.

The problem is, that most people don’t have the time, patience, resources, or energy to keep digging for a solution on their own.

  • You need a proven path.

  • You need a support system.

  • You need someone who understands.

I know it might be difficult to imagine this for yourself right now.

But, I’ve lived on both ends of the mental health world: Both as a patient and a clinician. And, I can tell you, it’s possible.

I want to erase the confusion, overwhelm, and frustration we often feel when trying to navigate through mental health challenges and the mental health system.

It’s not easy.

It’s certainly not for the faint of heart.

It may be the biggest battle you’ll ever fight in your life, and for some it costs them their very life energy force.

Please know you are a courageous soul.

Everything I’m going to share with you is intended to help you feel better as quickly as humanly possible so that you can begin to experience true freedom.

You don’t have to be a prisoner to a “chronic lifelong condition.”

It is absolutely possible for you to lead a thriving life – whatever that means to you.

Whether you want:

  • Rest

  • Mood stability

  • Peace of mind

  • True contentment

  • Freedom from anxiety

  • To feel “normal” again


  • Healthy body weight

  • Increased energy levels

  • More motivation in everyday life

  • Improved relationships with loved ones

  • To work or study in a normal capacity again

  • Support while you reduce or taper off medications*

All of this and more is possible for you.

There are many paths to healing. Not just the ones that have worked for me.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Everyone is different.

But, with the right support network and some simple, yet powerful lifestyle interventions, you can find your freedom.

Just remember, there are No Quick Fixes HERE.

If you want to be healthy, you can achieve that, but you need to be willing to take the necessary steps to get there.

If you want to know more about how you can achieve that same freedom I experienced, then book a free 30 minute call with me where you’ll learn:

  • The exact steps I took to overcome my 20-year battle with mental illness

  • How I successfully tapered off multiple psychiatric medications

  • How to build a support network around you (which is crucial to healing)

  • Easy daily exercises that healed my body and my mind

  • Simple but powerful dietary changes that accelerated healing (without giving up foods I love)

  • The mental roadblocks I overcame to experience true joy again

  • And much more

And… These are the same strategies that are helping my clients gain their freedom too.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Neseret Bemient, BScN

Holistic Mental Health Coach

P.S. Ready to take charge of your mental health?

Struggling with your mental health?

Want some one-on-one coaching and support?

I offer a free 30 minute call to help you navigate your mental health journey.

During our call we will:

  • Discuss your current situation

  • Talk about the challenges you maybe facing navigating the current mental health system

  • Explore concerns you may have due to unwanted or harmful effects of psychiatric medications

  • Discuss potential plans and solutions on your path to healing

  • Explore the benefits of metabolic therapies including the ketogenic diet as lasting solutions to help you lose weight, gain energy, mental clarity, and mood stability

* The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical and or psychiatric advice. Please consult your physician and other health care providers for any health problems and before making any medical or lifestyle changes.

* Lifestyle changes can result in improved mental health function and/or Brain health. Please discuss lifestyle changes with your physician and ensure that you are monitored closely while making any lifestyle changes.

* If you are having suicidal thoughts, please reach out to the appropriate local channels/mental health and addiction services to get immediate support. Call 9-1-1, go to your nearest emergency department, reach out to your therapist, or close friend, and get help! Do not start, change, increase, decrease or discontinue your psychiatric medications without consulting with your prescriber.