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- Take Pride in How Far You've Come
Take Pride in How Far You've Come
Have Faith in How Far You Can Go

Dear friend,

I found this little nugget of wisdom laying in the ground while on an afternoon walk.
Simple but powerful.
It’s also a good reminder because it is so easy for us to be absorbed in the day to day grind and lose perspective. Every so often remember to pause and zoom out to look at how far you’ve come.
Look at all that you have been through, all the lessons you’ve learned, the adventures and trials, the joys and sorrows, the love and heartbreaks, the successes and failures - all of it! Can you appreciate all that you are and still becoming?
You are a true warrior!
I know this about you because being a modern human is not easy. We live a period of time that’s filled with many amazing and beautiful things, yet we’re also constantly bombarded with so many challenges that no other generation has dealt with.
Our current world with all its’ glitters and gold can be disorienting.
As you navigate this brave new world, know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be. Even when things seem like they’ve going to hell in hand basket. The fear, doubt, chaos, and suffering are part of the school of life. Yet, we can learn to disentangle ourselves from them and continue to stand in our power.
In life we’re always at the beginning and graduation.
In this plane of existence the learning never stops and that’s alright! How amazing that we get endless opportunities to begin anew and to learn and grow. As one of my teachers use to say, “you can’t get it wrong, and you’ll never get it done!”
I know that’s something so many of us struggle with. Just the idea of questioning our life experiences, whether we’re doing it wrong or on the right path, whether we’re good, right, or worthy. What other people think of us and their opinion of our progress or lack thereof.
Yet, we have this one life to live and there’s no particular way it’s suppose to unfold. We each have our unique path and subjective experiences that no other human can ever judge fairly.
There’s really no need for judgement.
Your life is as it is. It’s not good or bad. It just is. You get to decide the meaning and significance you give to the events, circumstances, and situations you find yourself in. Nobody gets to decide that for you.
Again, how wonderful that we get to choose how we live our lives, our vision and purpose, and how we use the precious time we have on this planet. It’s all up to us.
And that’s true freedom.
I’ve come to realize that what I value most in life is peace. There’s been so much chaos in my life that would be more than enough for many lifetimes. Can you relate?
Now I understand why my grandmother chose to leave everything behind and live in an ascetic monastery for the last 20 years of her life. My mother and I visited her a few times. She lived in a simple little mud hut, slept on a thin mattress on a dirt floor, washed clothes by hand, no electricity and lots of silence and solitude. It was what you would call absolute bare bones minimalism.
I sometimes ask myself: What am I willing to live without? What’s essential? What’s most valuable? Are there things I can’t live without?
My partner had an uncommon mentor who use to say that “most things are a 3 or 4 out of 10 in life!” At first glance that seemed a bit cynical, but more and more I can see what he means. There’s only a few really important things in life. Everything else is just minor details…
What do you think?
How would you rate this being human? It’s definitely for the faint of heart. A beautiful terrifying exhilarating heart wrenching adventure! At least that’s been my experience.
“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow; but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” ~ Agatha Christie
I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.
I hope it’s the same for you. Please take a step back in this moment to really look at where you are, then fly as high as you can to survey the landscape/masterpiece of your life. The picture is clearer from a higher perspective.
Be gentle with yourself. You are beautiful and powerful just the way you are - flaws and all. There are no bad parts. Just parts that may need more empathy, compassion, and love.
Last but not least remember to enjoy the journey.
Easy to say and a good mindfulness practice. Enjoying the journey is a milestone on the spiritual path. We could all use a little more fun, ease, and levity. That was my intention for this year. So far, so good:)
Wishing you a mindful moment and sending you much appreciation and lots of love.
Thank you for being you!
Please forward this information with anyone who you believe would benefit.
Feel free to leave me your questions, comments, and feedback below.
Until next time, we continue in solidarity.
Neseret Bemient, BScN
Holistic Mental Health Coach
Website: Return to Wholeness Healing Services
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@NeseretBemient
Twitter(X): Neseret Bemient (@JourneyofHope4U)
...start inside
...take courage
...involve effort
...include mistakes
...build character
...are achievable
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~