Medicalization of Human Suffering

Risks of Antidepressant Treatment

"In other words, problems emerge when a psychiatrist simply tries to match the patient’s experiences with one of the disorders in the book, without investigating why the person is suffering as they are. After all, perhaps they are suffering because they have just lost their job, or someone dear to them, or because they’re struggling with their identity, with poverty, with failure in love or work - who knows perhaps their lives just hadn’t turned out as they’d hoped. There are countless understandable reasons why a person may suddenly start manifesting emotions or behaviors that can be easily misread as ‘symptoms’ of ‘major depression’ or ‘anxiety disorder’ - reasons that may have nothing to do with the person being psychiatrically unwell.” ~ Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good by James Davies ~

Yet, today antidepressants are handed out like candy to children and adults alike without properly being informed of all the risks associated with treatment. Informed consent is glossed over with brief mention of the mild “side effects” that most people experience within the first week or two.

What about the nasty effects that come up with adverse effects and toxicity? The permanent unwanted effects such as Post SSRI sexual Dysfunction? This is a deeply disturbing condition that persists even after you stop antidepressant use. Did your prescriber discuss the “boxed warning” with you? That antidepressants have the potential to cause increased suicidality?

In my case, antidepressants induced a bipolar type illness. I was trialed on 4 different antidepressants to which I had adverse reaction and toxicity to every single one. In this video I share my experiences as well discuss thoroughly all of the risks associated with antidepressant treatment.

Whether you’re someone who is just starting to consider the idea of treatment with antidepressants, recently initiated on them, or have used them long term - this video will address all of the risks involved at each stage.

Please forward this information with anyone who you believe would benefit.

Feel free to leave me your questions, comments, and feedback below. Thank you for taking the time to visit here.

Until next time, we continue in solidarity. 

PS: The new website is ready. You can click on the link below and take a peak:) Let me know what you think.

Neseret Bemient, BScN
Holistic Mental Health Coach 
Website: Return to Wholeness Healing Services
Twitter(X)Neseret Bemient (@JourneyofHope4U)


...start inside
...take courage
...involve effort
...include mistakes character
...are achievable

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


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