Loving When It's Hard

Loving When It's Hard

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” 

~ Lao Tzu

For those of us who have the gift of a beautiful mind and brain, mental health matters! 

Not just our own but those around us whom we love and care for. 

In general, one of the biggest influence on our happiness is who we surround ourselves with. And no one has the type of influence in our lives than those in our close circle - especially our romantic partner. 

Yes, we are each responsible for our own happiness. 

We are also interdependent and need each other. We have the capacity to greatly impact each other's lives and state of mind in positive or negative ways. In healthy relationships this happens in a way that promotes growth for both individuals. 

Loving and nurturing connections allow you to bring all parts of yourself to the table and walk away with more. It facilitates you being who you are and evolving to the best version of yourself. That's the gift you give to each other. 

I have experienced this in my own life. 

It's also something I wish for every person because as human beings we thrive with encouragement, love, and support. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the amazing, steady, kind, and loving support of my partner Ben. He's been with me through thick and thin and seen me at my worst and best. And he still accepts and loves me for who I am.

That's when you know someone deeply cares for you. They are willing to be there through the good and bad times. They see the good in you even when you can't see it in yourself. They hold the hope and faith when the lights go out in your world. 

Recently Ben and I decided to do a weekly video podcast.  

We are both have interests in similar topics and a growing intellectual affiliation. Essentially you get a glimpse into the types of conversations we have sitting in our living room on a typical day. We just figured why not put it out there and share it and see if it resonates with others. 

I would love for you to check this video out on the link below and leave your comments on the YouTube page. 

In this episode we discuss how a partner's mental health impacts the relationship. How to have difficult conversations, how to set and negotiate boundaries with your partner for the betterment of all involved. As well, about the valid decisions to stay or leave when the relationship becomes untenable and compromises the mental health of members of the family.  

Please also forward this email to anyone who would benefit. Until next time, 

We continue in earnest solidarity. 

Warmest Regards,

Neseret Bemient, RN, BScN

Holistic Mental Health and Addiction Nurse


If you are ready to stop struggling and start living the life you want starting today, you can click on the link below and schedule 


30 minute discovery/consultation session 

to see if we're a good fit to partner. 

I only have a limited number of spots for this month. I would love to support you

take charge of your mental health

and witness your transformation. 

You can also simply

 REPLY to this email

and we’ll get you all the details on how you can work with me 1:1.

Schedule a session. It'll take you 30 seconds. 



...start inside

...take courage

...involve effort

...include mistakes

...build character

...are achievable

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


or to participate.