Happy Mother's Day

The Unmothered Mother

"Unmothered mothers are everywhere. Some of them are motherless, having lost their mothers to death or abandonment. Many, though, have a living and even an involved mother, but have not had the “good enough” mothering they needed." ~ Jayne Joyce

It's been awhile. 

Hope this finds you well. 

I wanted to send a quick email today to share a side of motherhood that is often not talked about. 

For some people mother's day brings mixed feelings of grief, sadness, guilt, shame, and a sense of emptiness. 

The journey of motherhood is not a walk in the park. 

And it's not all sunshine and roses. 

This is certainly the case for the unmothered mother. 

In this video I share with you an article by Jayne Joyce of what it means to be an "unmothered mother" and the impact that has on the psyche of her as a child as well as her ability to mother her own children. 

What happens when our attachment figures are "unavailable, unreliable, or unpredictable"? 

How does this shape our ability to connect with ourselves and others? 

Please leave me your comments and questions on the YouTube channel. 

I would love to hear your experiences with your own mother or a mother figure. 

What was it like to be nurtured and loved by the divine feminine? 

And if that nurture and love wasn't forthcoming and or missing -

How did it impact you? 

Also, please share this with a mother who maybe struggling on mother's day because of loss, or abandonment or a challenging mother-daughter relationship. 

Until next time we continue in solidarity. 

Warm Regards,

Neseret Bemient, RN, BScN

Holistic Mental Health Advocate


If you are ready to stop struggling and start living the life you want starting today, you can click on the link below and schedule 

a 30 minute discovery/consultation session 

to see if we're a good fit to partner. 

I only have a limited number of spots for this month. I would love to support you

take charge of your mental health

and witness your transformation. 

You can also simply



...start inside

...take courage

...involve effort

...include mistakes

...build character

...are achievable

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


or to participate.