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- Don't Let Anyone Define Who You Are!
Don't Let Anyone Define Who You Are!
Including "mental health professionals"...

Dear friend,
A wise person once said…
Incurable means, curable from within.
Can you imagine what would’ve happened if Thomas Edison’s mother bought in to the nonsense his teacher wrote in a letter and sent home? The letter stated he was “addled”!
Thomas Edison was dyslexic, which made if difficult for him to succeed in the classroom environment, but the mother of this young man made sure he never saw that letter from his school teacher. She also made sure he was not limited or disempowered by any label as she homeschooled him.
What about Helen Keller who was a brilliant activist for disability rights despite being born deaf and blind?
What if she gave to frustration and hopelessness?
And Nelson Mandala who spent 27-years in prison without giving into despair and came out with a powerful vision, that transformed not only his own life but an entire country and nation!
These individuals are no different than you! They each had a share of their challenges, traumas, and suffering in life. Yet they weren’t victims of what happened to them. They chose to rise above their difficulties.
Yet, in this day and age, many people give their power and have someone else or something else define who they are and what they can achieve in life.
This is often the case with medical and psychiatric diagnosis.
As soon as the pronouncement is made, the battle is lost. People accept their diagnosis and prognosis as something written in stone and it becomes the chain that binds them.
Similarly people will take some dumb test online about their IQ, cognitive capacity, or even diagnosing themselves with an illness and they believe it 100%. Some people just read anything online and believe it.
What the heck does AI know about who we are as humans?
Why would we let anyone, including doctors, psychiatrists, medical professionals, certainly an online questionnaire or test decide what is possible for us? In regards to our recovery or the trajectory of our potential or capacity as human beings?
Individuals have been given a terminal illness diagnoses and have gone into complete remission. Some even have been pronounced dead for a brief period and are resuscitated back to life! Others come out of a comma after days or weeks or months.
Many conditions that were once considered “incurable”, are now the thing of the past.
The bottom line is,
No one can tell you who you are, what is possible for you, and what you’re capable of achieving in life. You get to decide that for yourself!
Although, if you don’t, there are plenty of people who would be more than happy to decide everything for you. Your parents, your teachers, your doctor, your psychiatrist, culture, social media…on an on.
There’s enough people out there that will fight for your attention and would be more than happy to tell you who they want you to be to please them.
In this crazy world to be no body but yourself is a courageous act.
It doesn’t really matter who you are, but being yourself means not compromising your values to please others. It also means to acknowledge that you are human and you make mistakes. And that’s okay.
It gives you an opportunity to practice self compassion.
Being who we are also means, having the ultimate freedom to decide the meaning of the events, circumstances, and situations we find ourselves in. The meaning we choose to assign to what happens to us can be empowering or disempowering.
Nothing is absolutely perfect in this plane of existence, at the same time
everything is perfect just the way it is.
Our bodies age, we get sick, we experience trauma and loss, we grieve, and at some point everything passes. Along the way we also get to experience our creativity, joy, peace, love, and connection.
The whole thing is an amazing adventure.
We don’t have to be limited or contained by any label or challenge or limitation. There are none anyways except the only ones we create in our minds.
Someone said the only real disability is a bad attitude. And a negative mindset really.
Anything else can be worked out. It’s not a problem unless we make it into a problem.
Life is a gift.
Even when it is challenging and hard. Even when things are not going our way, or we feel lost or alone. To be alive is still a grand thing.
All the riches in the world cannot buy more TIME.
We each get 24 little hours and one moment at a time. Don’t let anyone decide who you are in this moment. Choose for yourself. It’s a privilege to be who we are. And to watch the unfolding of who we can become.
The world is your oyster.
Only if you allow it to be.
Feel free to leave me your questions, comments, and feedback below. Thank you for taking the time to visit here.
Until next time, we continue in solidarity.
Neseret Bemient, BScN
Holistic Mental Health Coach
Website: Return to Wholeness Healing Services
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@NeseretBemient
Twitter(X): Neseret Bemient (@JourneyofHope4U)
...start inside
...take courage
...involve effort
...include mistakes
...build character
...are achievable
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~