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- Christmas Wish For You
Christmas Wish For You
Thank you for all your gifts and generosity!

You have the power to summon to you anything and everything that you can imagine for yourself. You have the light within you to heal every cell of your body. You have the power to bring every part of you into integration and the fullness of the realization of all that you are. You have the power to create your life exactly as you desire it to be. There is an energy and light that is always guiding you to even more than you could ever think to ask for. That energy and light is not outside of you. That energy and light is YOU! ~ Sara London
Dear friend,
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
I hope everyone enjoy a day of peace, stillness, and rest:)
Wanted to take this time to thank you for being a part of this community. The past year setting up my business and this newsletter was a huge leap for me and through it I had been privileged to meet and work with so many incredible people.
If you have found my work and support helpful this year, please consider replying with a little testimonial or review. Let me know if you would like a pseudonym if you’d prefer to remain anonymous. As well, if you think of anyone in your circle that would benefit from receiving my support, forward this email.
It’s a humbling experience to use our own journey, experiences, triumphs, suffering, and find ways to support others who are going through a similar paths. We are each others teachers and guides.
You have been that for me. Thank you!
We are also all a work in progress. The good news is, in this moment we each have everything we need within us to create the extraordinary masterpiece that is our soul’s journey. How amazing is that!
My wish for you during this holiday season is to recognize the truth of that statement and to embody it. It’s to own your infinite capacity for knowing, remembering, creating, and expressing your deepest heart’s desires.
I hope you know how powerful you are.
Although, there maybe many times in life we may not feel this way, especially when we are struggling with our physical or mental health, underneath all the chaos, challenges, and limitations of being human; there’s an unstoppable human spirit. I know that to be true.
It’s not always easy for us to understand, know, and own our true power and to be our authentic self. We get weighed down by our past conditioning, life circumstances, and the traumas we suffer.
We easily forget and lose those beautiful parts and aspects of ourselves in the process of the human journey. Yet, we are not held hostage by anything that we experience in our life and can simply reclaim ourselves at any given moment.
Being who we truly are starts by asking a few questions…
Who am I?
What does the Universe/God/Spirit want to express through me?
What do I need to let go of and step into, to be more of who I truly am?
What do I want to experience, create, express, and contribute?
In this moment, what do I appreciate and am grateful for?
How do I embody the energy of stillness, presence, peace, love, and joy?
I hope you meditate on these questions and see what comes up for you.
These are questions you can keep asking and the answers may change overtime, because we are always in the process of becoming. There’s infinite opportunities to learn, grow, and to reinvent ourselves.
If you’re currently struggling with a particular problem in an area of your life and feeling frustrated or discouraged, know you’re not alone. And understand every problem is an opportunity, a gift, and an invitation to explore the desired solution. So,
“Set your intention on manifesting the solution, instead of obsessing over the problem. Visualize the cure, don’t feed the calamity.” ~ Anthon St. Maarten
This is easier said than done! I know…
But it is the way to overcoming any challenge or solving a problem. We have the gift of these beautiful brains and with that comes the ability to imagine, affirm, visualize, mold, create, express and achieve our dreams and goals.
Again, my wish for you is to know that you are courageous, capable, strong, resilient, and powerful. That you are loved and supported through seen and unseen forces. And you can accomplish anything you set out to do, if you put your mind and heart into it.
As well, recognize that you don’t have to solely rely on yourself only to accomplish your goals.
There’s a greater power we can rely on to help guide our path.
Whatever that is for you, ask for guidance and direction. This guidance will come from within you, and it is a part of who you are. Some people calls this God/Universe/Energy/Higher Self. It’s whatever you believe it to be.
As human beings we thrive with encouragement and support. I’m here to support you in anyway I can. If you need my support please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Feel free to leave me your questions, comments, and feedback below. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Until next time, we continue in solidarity.
Neseret Bemient, BScN
Holistic Mental Health Coach
Website: Return to Wholeness Healing Services
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@NeseretBemient
Twitter(X): Neseret Bemient (@JourneyofHope4U)
...start inside
...take courage
...involve effort
...include mistakes
...build character
...are achievable
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~