Change is Inevitable

Change with Ease, Grace, and Compassion

Dear friend,

These days change seems to be happening at a dizzying speed.

Similar to the torrent of information that’s constantly assaulting our brain from all sides.

Akin to drinking water out of the firehose.

Just hold on for dear life.

Is it just me?

I feel like I’ve already lived 9 lives in just in the last few years.

Change just keeps showing up!

And I keep telling myself: Life is an adventure.

Just enjoy it!  

But sometimes it’s utterly exhausting.

I just want a break. I want to catch my breath. Just some peace and calm would be nice for a change.

Some stability, consistency, and predictability.

I mean, there’s balance. Too much of anything is unnecessary, especially stress.

It’s been incredibly stressful.

What about you?

What type of changes have you been experiencing lately?

Besides the big 19😊 that has kicked everyone’s butt the last few years. Not to mention the ridiculous wars that are happening in parts of our world that make as feel like we’re still in the dark ages.

Is it still 2024?

Am I in a twilight zone?

Did we send a woman to the moon?

We now have AI that can replace our brilliant brains? Really?

Oh yeah, we’ve opened that can of worms lol

How did we arrive at this juncture in human history?

How did we get here?

This is what my partner calls a “Boondoggle”!

(Don’t google it! It’s my favorite made up word.)

It hurts my brain to think about the state of affairs in our current world.  

I have to bring myself back to my own sanity corner.

We can only do what we can do to be the change.

Clean up our own world and find peace.

The Serenity Prayer:

Goddess, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change; 

courage to change the things I can; 

and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; 

enjoying one moment at a time; 

accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 

reinhold niebuhr (1892-1971)

How do you clean up the corner of your world?

Take charge of your own mental health!

When you are experiencing peace, joy, creativity, abundance, compassion, love within then you’re in position to contribute, to give, and add value to others and the world.

Your mental health matters.

Your experiences matter.

Your mental health and mindset determines the quality of your journey here.

How are you doing right now?

What are the thoughts that are going through your brain in this moment?

What’s the conversation that’s taking place in your mind and heart?

Is it generative? Healthy? Helpful? True? Or Not?

There’s no right or wrong answers here.

It’s just a mindful exercise.

If you’d like bonus points, write the answer to all these questions then reflect on them.

We are all a work in progress.

Wherever you are is fine and if you want to go somewhere else, that’s fine too.

I heard a saying recently that stuck with me.

“What your mind and heart cannot resolve, your body will hold on to.” ~ Tanmeet Sethi, MD

To me, it means that the answers to our questions, challenges, and struggles lie within. Not outside of ourselves.

Our minds, bodies, and hearts have the answers.

You have everything you need within you to heal and create a life you’re excited to live.

Sometimes you just need someone to hold space to look within.

I’m here to support you in anyway I can.

Please don’t hesitate to reply to this email or reach out if I can be of service.

Until next time, we continue in earnest solidarity!

Warm Regards,

Neseret Bemient, RN, BScN

Holistic Mental Health Advocate

PS: If you are ready to stop struggling and start living the life you want starting today, you can click on the link below and schedule 

a 30 minute discovery/consultation session 

to see if we're a good fit.


...start inside

...take courage

...involve effort

...include mistakes character

...are achievable

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


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