13 Reasons

I Fell Off the Wagon

Hope this finds you well. 

Life has a way of getting busy and hectic for all of us. 

Being a modern human can be a challenging adventure. 

We have so much input coming at us from all directions. 

I had a mindfulness mentor that use to say that we have become a society of perpetually distracted people. 

Well, when I started this newsletter my intention was to write to you each week. 

And the past couple of months I completely dropped the ball.

I have a very good excuse, but it is an excuse just the same. 

My business has been expanding and growing (a good problem to have) and currently it's a one woman show. In the past 8 months I am wearing 10 different hats and spinning multiple plates as I transitioned from working in the conventional system to building a business based on a holistic approach.

I wouldn't trade what I am do now for anything. I absolutely love my work as it is my spiritual practice.

The good news: My partner is considering joining me to help out!

In the beginning stages of any worthwhile undertaking there is a lot of moving parts and pieces and it can be overwhelming and even daunting. Similar to when you're attempting to recover your own or a loved one's health and wellness. 

It takes time, effort, understanding, and patience. 

It also takes a certain level of commitment to showing up each day and doing the best you can with no guarantees of the outcomes. During those times we have to lean on faith and hope. We have to trust even though we can't see the path ahead of us, that everything is unfolding for the highest good/growth of all involved. 

So, today I am recommitting myself to writing to you each week.

I plan to send this newsletter on Wednesdays. 

I would love to hear you feedback on the newsletter or if you've have been positively impacted by any of my content on X or YouTube. As well, if you're a coaching client and have worked with me your experience so far with working together.

You can click on the link below and leave me a testimonial/feedback. It will take a minute. 

On a completely different note,

I have attached the video above which goes in to 13 different ways people are misdiagnosed in psychiatry. This is something very common that happens in the mental health system. Many people are wrongly diagnosed and medicated. 

Furthermore people feel trapped by these diagnosis and struggle to free themselves from medications that maybe causing them serious harm. It's important to seek second opinion and explore different avenues of understanding illness and imbalance. 

Please share this email with anyone who would benefit from this video. 

Until next time we continue in solidarity. 

Warm Regards,

Neseret Bemient, RN, BScN

Holistic Mental Health Advocate


If you are ready to stop struggling and start living the life you want starting today, you can click on the link below and schedule 


30 minute discovery/consultation session 

to see if we're a good fit to partner. 

I only have a limited number of spots for this month. I would love to support you

take charge of your mental health

and witness your transformation. 

You can also simply

 REPLY to this email

and we’ll get you all the details on how you can work with me 1:1.

Schedule a session. It'll take you 30 seconds. 



...start inside

...take courage

...involve effort

...include mistakes

...build character

...are achievable

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


or to participate.